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Transform your deck into a beautiful and sustainable outdoor oasis with Hemp Shield Deck Finish! Our eco-friendly product is specially crafted to shield and enhance the appearance of your deck while incorporating the use of natural ingredients. Made with hemp oil, one of nature's most durable and sustainable resources, this deck sealer provides long-lasting protection against the elements. It is free from harmful chemicals and toxins, making it safe for both the environment and your family. Give your deck the care it deserves and choose Hemp Shield Deck Sealer for a beautiful and environmentally-friendly finish.

Hemp Shield Products are a revolutionary penetrating oil.


Advantages of using hemp Shield Deck Sealer

  • NO VOC(Clear)
  • Very Low VOC (Shades)
  • NO HAP or any fumes (Can be used both interior and exterior)
  • Cleans up with soap and water
  • Non-formaldehyde based algicide, fungicide, and mildewcide
  • No tannin bleed through on cedar
  • Only ONE coat needed
  • High coverage
  • Competitively priced.


In ASTM testing, Hemp Shield records coverage of 324 sq. ft./gal. at 1 mil dry film thickness. In actual use, Hemp Shield products typically form a dry film thickness of 0.5 mil, increasing coverage to approximately 450-650 sq. ft. Because Hemp Shield is a penetrating oil, coverage will vary due to species, porosity, cell structure, rate of growth, weathering, age, and other factors.


  • Hemp Shield™ can be applied when the temperature (surface, product, and air) is between 50°F (10°C) minimum, 100°F (37°C) maximum, and at least 5° above the dew point. Relative humidity should not exceed 85%.
  • Do not apply to new or restored wood if the moisture content exceeds 15% or the surface is wet to the touch.

Step 1: Stir thoroughly before using.

Step 2: After following surface preparation instructions use Brush, Roller, or Airless/conventional sprayer to apply. (Be sure to see application tips below to avoid lapping)


  • To reduce lapping tendencies, do not apply in direct sunlight or when the wood feels hot to the touch. A very light misting of water, just enough to tighten the grain on the surface, will also reduce any lapping tendencies.
  • Avoid applying late in the day, when dew or condensation is likely to form, or when rain is threatening. Do not apply to any surface that feels wet to the touch.
  • Use at package consistency — do not thin.
  • Do not over-apply — excess material can cause uneven drying, discoloration, surface residue, and peeling. During application, Hemp Shield will appear milky, but will clear as it penetrates. Once the Hemp Shield has cleared, remove any excess material with a rag, dry brush, or roller.
  • When spray applying over areas, it is recommended that Hemp Shield™ be back rolled or back brushed with a dry brush or roller, to ensure even penetration and remove excess material.


When using Hemp Shield Wood Finish and Deck Sealer™ for over-water structures such as docks, swimming floats and walkways, and in chronic high humidity environments, the entire plank, including the edges and end grain, must be sealed. Before assembly, pre-drill and treat all screw holes with Hemp Shield to protect the wood exposed by drilling the holes. Complete treatment is essential for best performance, especially tannin control, in high moisture environments.


  • Hemp Shield Deck Sealer and Wood Finish™ works very differently from other outdoor wood protectants. Instead of forming a urethane or acrylic shell over the wood’s exterior, the hybrid waterborne hemp oil in Hemp Shield™ penetrates the wood, working from within to protect and nourish your outdoor wood.
  • When using Hemp Shield™, it is important not to over-apply, as excess material, if allowed to remain, can cause slow, uneven drying, discoloration, sticky residue, and peeling.
  • Hemp Shield™ should be applied continuously from one end of a plank to the other. Immediately after application, Hemp Shield™ may appear slightly milky, but it will quickly become clear as it penetrates. Any excess material remaining on the surface at this point should be dry-brushed, dry-rolled, or wiped with an absorbent cloth. Hemp Shield’s protection is in the wood — it creates a much thinner surface film than conventional finishes,
  • Different types of wood will accept varying amounts of Hemp Shield™. This is determined by species, porosity, cell structure, rate of growth, weathering, age, and other factors such as ambient moisture. Let the wood tell you how much Hemp Shield™ to use.


Brush — Use a nylon/polyester bristle brush or foam brush.

Roller — Use 1/8″ to 3/8″ nap synthetic roller cover. Shorter nap performs better when applying Hemp Shield™.

Airless Sprayer — Pressure: 2000 PSI; Tip: .013″ – .017″

Conventional Sprayer — Pressure: 40-60 PSI; Fluid Pressure: 20 PSI; Tip: 704/FX

Clean Up: Use 1-2 teaspoons of “Ivory” type soap to 1 gallon of water. Clean up should begin immediately after application is complete or when stopping for ten minutes or more. To avoid spontaneous combustion during temporary storage, soak soiled rags and waste immediately after use in a water filled, closed metal container.

First Aid: In case of eye contact, flush immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention; for skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. If affected by inhalation or spray mist, remove to fresh air. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call physician immediately.

In Case of Spillage: Absorb with inert material and dispose in accordance with applicable regulations.

Read the Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), available on the website, before using this product.

Contains No THC.

Hemp Shield Deck Sealer

$64.99 Regular Price
$61.99Sale Price
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